Vedere teren, din Calea Vacaresti, spre Asmita Gardens
Vedere Calea Vacaresti, spre Asmita Gardens
Vecinatate teren cu PUZ aprobat - birouri, retail
Vedere teren, spre Mall Sun Plaza (Piata Sudului)
Vedere blocuri Calea Vacaresti - Parcul Tineretului
Oras: BUCURESTI Judet: Bucuresti - Sector 4 Tara: Romania Pret vanzare: 849.600€ Zona: Vacaresti
An stire: 2011 Pret vanzare/mp: 400€ Suprafata: 2124 Deschidere: 22 CUT: 4.5 POT: 70% Stare oferta: Activa
Descriere detaliata: Teren intravilan 2.124 mp, D=22 m,
la strada proiectata, in planul 2, la 160 m din Calea Vacaresti
si la cca. 500 m de Mall Sun Plaza (Piata Sudului). Conform PUG,
terenul se afla in subzona CB3, POTmax=70%, CUTmax=4,5, cu utilizari admise: institutii
servicii publice, servicii financiar-bancare, hoteluri, restaurante, comert, expozitii,
recreere, etc. Pentru construire, este necesara executarea
unui PUZ. La limita terenului, pe Calea Vacaresti, se
afla un PUZ aprobat, pentru proiect de birouri (51.900 mp) si spatii comerciale (2.350 mp), cu 851 locuri de parcare,
dezvoltat pe un teren de 12.656 mp, de investitori straini,
cu termen de finalizare 2012. Locatia se afla
intr-o zona in dezvoltare, cu proiecte noi realizate, complexul
rezidential Asmita Gardens (7 cladiri), Mall Sun Plaza. In vecinatatea
terenului se afla statia de metrou Piata Sudului, mijloace de transport in comun de suprafata, cat si Parcul Tineretului.
PRET: 400 euro/mp, negociabil
2,124 sqm land, opening=22 m to a projected
street, in the 2nd plan, 160 m from Vacaresti Route
and approx. 500 m from Sun Plaza Mall (Sudului Square). According
to PUG, the land is situated in the CB3 sub zone, POTmax=70%, CUTmax=4.5, with the following permitted uses:
public service institutions, banking and financial services, hotels, restaurants,
commerce, exhibitions, entertainment, etc. For construction,
it is necessary to execute a PUZ. At the plot's limit,
at Vacaresti Route there is a PUZ approved for an office (51,900
sqm) and retail (2,350 sqm) project, with 851 parking places, built on a plot of 12.656 sqm
by foreign investors, with completion deadline in 2012.
The land is located in a developing area, with new projects
completed, Asmita Gardens residential complex (7 buildings), Sun
Plaza Mall. In the proximity of the land is Sudului
Square subway station, means of over ground public transportation,
and Tineretului Park.